LS conversions in early generation Commodores are quite common these days. They are cheap, strong and make great power compared to the original Holden V8s.
Mates Brendon and Stacy have both dropped LS engines into their VH and VC respectively. The only changes to Brendons LS1 are the rod bolts and camshaft. On E85, a Garrett GT42 runs at 10psi to generate 414kw. The rest of the drivetrain has been upgraded to a turbo 400 transmission and a VL turbo diff.
Also using a Garrett GT42 on 12psi, Stacy’s VC has a stock 6ltr. A simpler setup using a carby on E85, the LS2 makes around 400kw through a 2 speed powerglide and 9 inch diff.